
Yu Kuang-chung and Ma Ying-jeou to talk about the the bumbler said part of the media translation error

Ma Ying-jeou met with Yu Kwang-chung.  Source: Taiwan's "Central News Agency"
Ma Ying-jeou met with Yu Kwang-chung. Source: Taiwan's "Central News Agency"
Original title: Yu Kuang-chung "bumbler" said Ma Ying-jeou to talk about some of the media translation error
BEIJING, Nov. 23, according to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" reports, the British "Economist" described "bumbler" Ma Ying-jeou. Ma Ying-jeou said today (23 days), the editor in chief of "The Economist" clarification and not malicious.
Ma Ying-jeou noon to Kaohsiung visit, the highly accomplished English Taiwan Sun Yat-sen University Emeritus Professor Yu Kuang-chung, both spoke of "The Economist" (The Economist) reported.
Yu Kuang-chung, said, "bumbler" part of the translation of the Taiwanese media, should be "humble" means, there are practical, responsible, and not act rashly spirit.
He said nothing negative meaning, like the meaning of knowing too much, the most delicate humble and Foolish Old Man, Taiwan media translation.
Yu Kuang-chung also cited a well-known garden "Humble Administrator's Garden," for example, does not mean clumsy meaning, Ma Ying-jeou cheer.
Ma Ying-jeou said, "The Economist Asia editor of the Taiwan authorities has been" London stands for "information and clarification, and not malicious and insulting meaning. He will not mind.
Ma Ying-jeou said that the error, non-fact comments, will be asked to clarify views will listen to and review.

