
The Korean election held for the first time overseas voting to set up 10 polling sites in China

Department of the history of Korea held its first presidential election overseas voting, polling places set up in 164 countries overseas, set up 10 polling sites in China
Beijing News (Reporter Han Xuyang Gaomei) at 8:00 on the 5th, 18th presidential election in South Korea overseas voting began. It held its first presidential election in the history of Korea overseas voting, established in 164 countries and overseas voting points.
Voters with children to vote
Reporters came to the South Korean Embassy in Beijing, 8:00, Korean voters have gradually came to the embassy to vote. Voters are mostly accompanied it, two hours after voting began, there are already more than 130 voters cast their vote.
Electoral Commission staff reporter, the embassy received more than 9,000 registration, "We estimate that voter turnout will be about 50% a month before the release of the Korean Embassy message to accept the registration of voters in Beijing, South Korea.
The staff said that the former South Korean citizens to vote only in Korea. In order to facilitate overseas voters, South Korea this year to set up overseas voting points, 10 polling sites in China.
Miss Lee, the South Korean voters working in Beijing, said she supports the 2nd candidate text in Yin, "I think he is very powerful, and hope that under his leadership, South Korea will be getting better and better," the scene many voters take the kids to vote, One voter said, "take the child to want him to look at the adults how to exercise their rights, let him have this awareness."
The staff, the overseas voting will last for six days, and ended at 8 o'clock on December 5 to at 17:00 on the 10th. After the voting, the ballot around the world will be sent back to Korea, out of the box after the the Korean local close of polling in the 19th, with the vote count.
The Korean Ambassador confidential who voted for
Around 11:00, Lee Kyu-Hyung, South Korea's ambassador to China, came to the scene. After the vote, the reporter asked Lee Kyu-Hyung who tend to support more, he said with a smile, "It is a secret."
Turning to North Korea launched a satellite it will affect the South Korean presidential election, Ambassador Lee Kyu-Hyung said, hope that North Korea will suspend the satellite launch plan. As expressly provided in the United Nations Security Council, North Korea can not launch a satellite. North Korea insisted on launching satellites is clearly contrary to international law. "This approach will make the Korean more international social isolation. DPRK own to set their own barriers."
In referring to the North and South Korea the trend in the future, Lee Kyu-Hyung said, we are looking forward to the DPRK as early as possible the development of the policy to the economy and people's livelihood as a priority, to give up the idea of ​​developing nuclear weapons at an early date, so that the inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation will be more smooth, so also is 70 million people in the Korean Peninsula bring lasting happiness and peace, and I hope that this situation can be seen in the next year.
4, 2011, in the Korean presidential election TV debate, candidate Park Geun-hye and Wen Yin heated debate on policy toward North Korea. Lee Kyu-Hyung said, tough attitude toward the DPRK to discuss the next president, whether it is too early now. He hopes that the new the Ren Hanguo president can by means of six-party talks and other dialogue to promote peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula.
■ voting process
Identification and receive a the ballot voters 持有效证件 First identified by the staff and fingerprints information, then receive ballots and envelopes. The ballot lists the names of the seven presidential candidates.
Voters came to vote next room to get the ballot papers and envelopes to fill out the ballot and seal, fill out the ballot information in completing the table, after the ballot envelope sealed.
Voting sealed ballot hand dropped into the ballot box by voters overseas Election Committee members on-site supervision of the entire voting process.
Two major candidates heated debate Korean issue
Korean presidential election held in the first televised debate, the ruling party candidate Park Geun-hye and the largest opposition party candidate text in Yin fierce battle on the Korean issue.
The first to open fire at Yin said, "Lee Myung-bak government always emphasize security issues, but full of loopholes, the Cheonan incident and the Yeonpyeong Island shelling. Roh Moo-hyun administration never occurred and the Korean conflict five years, you do how do you think? "
Park Geun-hye, responded by saying, "should distinguish between true and false peace we must first have a strong deterrent, based on a solid defense, when the other party initiated the provocation allowed to pay a huge price, as well as efforts to establish a trust relationship, obtained in this way peace is the real peace, and peace by providing assistance is a false peace. "
This is the day of debate, Park Geun-hye on the text in to Yin the most aggressive rebuttal. Park Geun-hye also said, "Roh Moo-hyun government during 2006, although South Korea North Korea pour donate, but North Korea conducted its first nuclear test, so I think (this) is a false peace."
TV debate is known as one of affecting the outcome of the election card, but people do not buy it. According to the Korea Times reported, the first debate did not have any effect on the election, the political commentator experts said people believe that the two candidates is not in the debate, but each present their own point of view. (Comprehensive new)
An Zhexiu Ting Wen in Yin Park Geun-hye, an emergency
5, 2011, to withdraw from the election of independent candidates An Zhexiu decided, will fully support the text in Yin An Zhexiu this "save text in Yin move this election, only 14 days left in the general election, a new variable.
Analysts said that due the An Zhexiu have a larger influence on young people and personages without party affiliation, may enhance the text in the Yin support rate, thereby affecting the advantages of Park Geun-hye.
Understanding An Zhexiu said, even though they had a disagreement and friction, but An Zhexiu the future will be any possible form of support for the text in the Yin. An Zhexiu the day, accompanied by the text in the Yin went to several universities in Seoul canvassing.
An Zhexiu move, the ruling party that An Zhexiu influence is not large. New National Party Election Strategy Committee is responsible for human rights Swimming Zhen said, regardless of An Zhexiu whether the full support of the text in Yin, this election will not become a major variables. An Zhexiu overly influence the electoral pattern, there are likely to be counterproductive.
As of now, Park Geun-hye still support rate to maintain our edge. In order to maintain this advantage, the ruling party actively adopted various measures, advanced consortium chairman of the Korean Peninsula, Pu Shiyi, the day held a press conference to announce support for Park Geun-hye.

