
History and little people blend, three-dimensional interpretation of the history of ordinary people struggle

"Eunuch" stills
"Eunuch" stills
"Eunuch" is placed on the historical background of the late Qing precarious Lianggong Queen Mother behind a screen, the the Tongzhi Emperor young rebel, Prince Gong initiated the Westernization Movement ... these historical events through the perspective of a eunuch survival show: Empress Tsz Although the collision security role will resort to subtle begins nearly set, but not difficult to see buried during the FY undercurrents; the stubborn forces headed to the empress and improved forces led by Prince Gong conflict, people see The violent impact of advanced Western technology to the culture of the late Qing Dynasty.
As for this history between the little guy is not just shape the history of the struggle of the little people see the big show a precarious basis of a small, dark clouds linger on the decline of the dynasty, history and little people blend, three-dimensional interpretation of the story. Wayne Lai said: "this movie is not to reverse the verdict as the head eunuch, and just hope that we see a more three-dimensional head eunuch has been characterized as a villain, disastrous, but not decades are only bad thing, What changes how the mentality change, we are little understood. history only records things, but there is no record feelings I play the head eunuch not want to change history, but will raise some questions, reflect on the surface masked . "
From this point on, whether it is the Palace of the bucket of what kind of groups, whether it is human nature how to portray, whether it is placed on how the middle of the historic environment, more importantly, is touched to the script itself respective themes of praise and criticism, touched humanity and profound environmental intertwined bottom line. Co-integration into the unyielding pursuit of compassion for different groups, as well as penetrating the imperial power critique. This is a deeper reflection surface conceal something.

