
Xi Jinping stressed Paul economic growth in attention to sustainable quality and efficiency

November 30, China news agency, Beijing, December 6 - CPC Central Committee held a non-party forum for people in Zhongnanhai, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech. Xi pointed out that the work of the next year's economic and social development, as the center to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth, while maintaining stability, innovation, and a solid start to further deepen reform and opening up, and further strengthen the innovation-driven, to achieve a sustained and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability .
  According to official media reported on the 6th, seminars on the current economic situation and economic work next year to listen to the democratic parties, the National Federation of leaders and independents comments and suggestions.
  Wen Jiabao, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan, Zhang Gaoli attended the forum. Wen Jiabao informed of the situation of economic work, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council considered for next year's economic work.
  Having listened carefully to all the speakers, Xi pointed out that since the beginning of this year, in the face of the complex international economic environment, faced with the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability, we adhere to the scientific development as the theme, to accelerate the transformation of economic development as the main line, accordance with the work overall tone Wenzhongqiujin, timely strengthen and improve macro-control, dependable growth in a more important position in the steady growth, adjusting structure, promoting reform, people's livelihood, have made positive progress. Adhere to service the National Center for the democratic parties, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, personages without party affiliation, closely linked to the main theme, the grass-roots level, public services, financial reform, resources and the environment, technological innovation, social management, energy saving and environmental protection, urban and rural, rural culture utilities and other serious research, comments and suggestions to the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, has played an important role in scientific decision-making, science policy, and made important contributions to promote economic and social development.
  Xi Jinping stressed in fully affirmed China's economic and social development, fundamentally sound premise, we must not underestimate the current and future risks and challenges faced by a period, major world economic slow growth trend will continue, the lack of aggregate demand and capacity the relative surplus contradictions increased production rising operating costs and the lack of innovative capacity issues exist, intensified the contradiction between economic development and resources and environment. We have to adhere to the "two points" split second look at problems, we must see the favorable international and domestic situation, but also to see the downside, upbeat sake, do most fully prepared to fight for a better result.
  Xi pointed out that the next year is to fully implement the spirit of the Party and 18 the first year, for next year's economic and social development is very important for the center to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth, while maintaining stability, innovation, solid start further deepen reform and opening up, to further strengthen the innovation-driven, sustained and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability. Is necessary to maintain economic growth, continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy, enhance economic growth within the life force and power, growth must be real growth and there is no water, there is efficiency, quality, sustainable growth. The second is to strengthen and consolidate the position of agriculture as the foundation, and increase support for agriculture, strengthen and improve the strong rich peasants benefiting the agriculture policy, to accelerate the development of modern agriculture, to ensure that the National Food and effective supply of agricultural products. The third is to promote structural adjustment achieved significant progress, stabilize foreign demand, while efforts to expand domestic demand, increase the industrial structure adjustment and upgrading efforts, and steadily push forward the healthy development of urbanization. Fourth, to adhere to the socialist market economic reform direction, do a good job in the top-level design and launch targeted reform measures in a timely manner, and adhere to the the overall gradual and partial breakthrough combination boldly explore, seek practical results. To vigorously safeguard and improve people's livelihood, focusing on protection of low-income people's basic living, hardship subsidies do college students to focus on stabilizing and expanding employment, strengthen urban and rural social security system, guide the masses to establish wealth through hard work to improve the living faith, which so that the direction to improve the livelihood of the people, both the party and the government, has become the target of the broad masses of the people struggle.

