
Jiangsu 8-month-old toddlers were his father tied a piece of iron Shenhe

Net exposure of the father to the son threw into the river
16:21 yesterday, Changzhou in the NG network exclusive broke the news, "Wujin District, a man of eight-month-old biological son dead bodies, small rivers and ponds.
Posting "I will not be on the sidelines," said a man staying in a pond, and their 8-month-old biological son throwing in a bamboo grove beside the creek pond, the police recovered from the bodies of the children, " the Hudu not food sub-ah! "
The matter immediately caused a talk, many netizens condemned the father.
Users "deleted memory", said, "too cruel, how so heartless."
The villagers alarm: someone is persecuting me
The Modern Express reporter learned from Changzhou Wujin Wu Tong police station, have to start from November 25, an alarm Speaking from "event" to kill the child.
At 2:00 on November 25th or so, who lives in Lee Chiang Kai-shek shore of villagers to the the Wu Tong police station to alarm. Lee said, sleep at night, I suddenly realized that shares smell gas in the house, woke up and saw, I saw the door stood a can of gas, some people panic and slipped away.
Lee said that this man is his own brother-in-law Sohn, Sohn want to kill themselves.
Subsequently, the police learned that preliminary Sohn 24 years old this year, with Lee engaged in carpentry work, the parties may, there are some contradictions and disputes, according to Lee's statement, Sohn has been suspected of deliberately attempted murder, police immediately file for investigation.
Two weeks after the suspects were arrested
Police rushed to Sohn home, they found empty. Original, Sohn had fled.
The police contacted Sohn wife, the other told police they were still the field, 8-month-old son at home Sohn band.
This sentence It is Sunmou wife, let the police have doubts in Sohn home - the police did not see the baby, home, kids clothes, milk powder, baby bottles, etc. in, did not he take the kids to go with? a young man, but also went to take the kids to go? "
Subsequently, the police inquiry and monitoring queries along, fled to Guangzhou from Changzhou found Sohn overnight, but the people have seen Sohn told police, Sohn side did not take the kids.
On November 26, the police immediately rushed to Guangzhou, ready to find Sohn. But cunning Sohn actually went to the Urumqi go.
December 10, Hutang police finally in Urumqi Sohn arrested and brought to justice, December 17, its back to Changzhou.
Police: child strapped to iron
According to police reports, Sohn Lindao the Lee home the gas tank, is stolen from the father-in-law at home, as to why you want to kill their relatives, Sohn said "wanted to scare him.
However, the whereabouts of his son, Sohn has been reluctant to opening, just to fool the police, said the child "in a safe place".
"Where is a safe place? Dozens of minutes, he wants to Guzhe on foot, where enough time to their children settled? Normally, if the children entrusted to others, or at least make baby bottles, clothes bring what "police said, and all indications are that Sohn, then there are many places worthy of scrutiny.
The evening of December 20, Sohn psychological defense finally collapsed, he told the police, fled before the child thrown into a pond near the house.
8:00 yesterday morning, Wu Tong police station, police organizations, Wujin District, the Cuban side village committee dinggou dam near a small Hetang salvage until 15:00, the police to find the body of the child.
The police told reporters, to find the child, but also found him tied up a package, which turned out to put a piece of iron.
Sohn's neighbors told reporters that the child is very cute, Murakami hold a lot of people did not expect to die in the hands of the biological father.
Sohn why killed his son, the police are doing further investigation.
Sohn what is the first son after the killing of postmortem or directly dumped into the river, and the need to wait for the forensic identification.

Zheda a boy disguised suicide after killing his girlfriend made sentimentalism illusion Pipansihuan

WASHINGTON HANGZHOU, Dec. 21 (Xiaoyan Zhao Ye Qing) 90 college students Hemou because of emotional disputes, actually cruel with pinched neck, wrists, quilt Wuzui cruel means to kill his girlfriend, and camouflage scene called sentimentalism. A few days ago, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced Hemou intentional homicide sentenced to death with two-year reprieve.
The Court has examined the defendant Hemou, born in 1992, former Department of Zhejiang University, Chu Kochen Honors College freshman, victims and health of a former high school classmate, 2011, the two began dating when reading senior, after graduating from high school, the two were walks, Zhejiang University and Beijing Foreign Studies University, and still maintain a relationship.
During Kang's parents decided the family emigrated Kang a handle withdrawal procedures, Kang IELTS immigrants parents to persuade the parents accept proposals and preparing for this preliminary matters.
Hemou informed Kang ready to emigrate to their parents in the case against unsuccessful views dropped out to study abroad, but did not get to the parents support.
February 9, 2012, Hemou and Kang, certain same came from Shenzhen, Hangzhou and 10 o'clock on the morning of February 13, Hemou and health in a hotel room, a result of the exchanges between the two sides of the immigration dispute Hemou then take take means fierce pinch neck, cutting wrists, quilt hooded Wuzui Kang on the neck and snout were external force caused by mechanical asphyxia death.
Date of 10:33, Hemou with Kang a phone, under the guise of health nominal to the parents to send text messages, lied to a health and is determined to commit suicide because not boyfriend and his beloved.
10:34, Hemou published in all online personal journal called "Honey, I'm just afraid that we missed too many", claiming that his beloved Kang a, regardless of the health of a choice to stay or to go to Canada, which will managed to peers, but Kang did not discuss with the first.
11:20, Hemou send text messages to inform parents of its preparation and a health sentimentalism, to ask their parents to Hangzhou Hongdu Hotel 2516 Housing indirect Kang buried.
Subsequently, Hemou holding a sheet of glass cuts to his neck but only caused a small amount of bleeding. How parents receive the text message immediately tried to telephone contact Hongdu Hotel, ask the hotel staff to the 2516 Room View the rescue HeMou.
The day 11:37, the hotel staff went to the room to view and Hemou sent to hospital for treatment the defendant Hemou was arrested in the hospital.
Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court after hearing that, ready to emigrate abroad, but they can not do so because of his girlfriend, the defendant Hemou dispute with his girlfriend, pinch the neck in the event of a dispute, hooded, wrists and other means, deliberately unlawful deprivation of life, and causing one death, his behavior constituted intentional homicide. The prosecutor accused guilty. Hemou killed through no fault of his girlfriend cruel means, crime is extremely serious, and forged Meet the illusion of suicide attempts to escape, the adverse social impact, Hemou should be severely punished according to law.
The court held that the case was caused because of love exchanges, the defendant Hemou impulsive crime, not premeditated murder.
Ultimately, the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance sentenced the defendant Hemou guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to death, suspended for two years deprivation of political rights for life. At the same time, Hemou Kang family members must also be compensation of 735,000 yuan.
It is worth noting that in the judgment, the court also Hemou make restrictions commutation judgment.
Whereby suspended after Hemou may be commuted to life imprisonment or 25 years imprisonment. "If the sentence was commuted to 25 years, is limited remission, his minimum sentence of 20 years; commuted to life imprisonment, his minimum sentence would be 25 years."

The Guangxi needy elderly Maiji received two hundred yuan counterfeit money alive mad

The Wuzhou an old man selling chickens received counterfeit money after
Netizen "Tengxian voice of the people" posts part screenshots.
News in Guangxi Nanning (Reporter Wu Yongzhi) December 21 21 am, friends Tengxian the voice of the people posting in red beans communities to the county, said "the Wuzhou Tengxian an elderly Maiji received counterfeit money was badly burned gas die. " 21, 2009 from the Public Security Bureau of Tengxian learned that local this does occur, the police are investigating the matter.
  Net posts: elderly Maiji received the counterfeit money be mad
  "One old geezer hard raising a few months, a few chickens pick to sell to the county, taking advantage of the Festival in Japan and want to sell for some money to supplement the constraints of family expenditure. Unexpectedly received the counterfeit money in transactions with customers, angrily spot living mad. "21, the users the" TENGXIAN voice of the people "in posts and a brief description of the circumstances of the incident.
  At 5:00 p.m. on the 21st, the reporter was removed in touch with to the poster just engaged in the scene to understand the situation just came back "Tengxian voice of the people". And away from the scene where ten meters households and deceased the villagers learned, December 20, Hekou Village, TENGXIAN vine 州镇, about 60-year-old Wu, the villagers, pick four of their own raising chickens to the county flood control the the embankment north market sale was two chickens were sold to a man and a woman, Wu old man does not know which counterfeit money, so that they go, the next talent to remind him that there are one or two may be counterfeit money, Wu immediately after the old man a collapsed to the ground, the last confirmed death.
  According to friends, the central warehouse Gyatso @ reply in the thread that the elderly sell a chicken to a women, a total of 108 yuan to 2 100, the woman, the elderly make up 92 yuan, "the woman just go, he (the elderly) said with the person next to 100 yuan, only two, there is no change, looking for people to change, others take a look over the fake, the other one, is false, telling him that he was anxious, chase immediately, run a section of the road just beyond your grasp, anger, anger, anger hearts and minds, acute myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction, sudden death ...... "
  User: condemned to the elderly counterfeit money who is willing to elderly people all the way
  The Maiji received counterfeit money was badly beaten mad. As at 18 o'clock on the 21st, there are 10,226 users read the posts and many users have condemned women counterfeit money to the elderly, and would like the old man all the way.
  Netizen "rational tube that stresses": willing to paradise no counterfeit money, May poor man in the cold all the way before the advent of the winter solstice.
  Friends "gxwzdxy": see after the winter solstice to get up a post, so post is not too happy, so ending time could turn the clock back, cheated money I help to even ten times to. Tragedy, grief, sorrow.
  Friends "chic small sea": If the police really want to find should be able to that unscrupulous woman looking out on the streets now throughout the video head, whether she is to walk or ride away will leave a trail Moreover, she did not know cause then serious consequences, it is not possible without leaving any traces.
  "Wan show costumes users: Yesterday I heard it, the the accident site Jinye market, I have received counterfeit money, and a deep understanding of the cheated mood counterfeit money is impossible to eradicate, and can only hope that similar tragedies do not re-staged.
  Police: ruled out homicide investigation into the matter is in full swing
  The reporter learned from Tengxian Public Security Bureau, December 20, this event does occur locally. At that time, the police received a mass report, immediately rushed to the scene, then rushed to the 120 medical staff confirmed that the old man had died.
  According to the police, has been ruled out the elderly exists the possibility of homicide, As to the specific cause of death has yet to be dissected. Police briefed reporters on the situation with friends Gyatso central warehouse @ replies difference is no different from the present, the police are going to investigate the matter.

The Beijing station taxi drivers at high prices Showmanship be gratified do not sit sit to get out

"Master do not go away, go XX?" Now, more and more people play car will first ask this. According to a report released by the 20th Academy of Social Sciences, in a survey of 38 cities taxi ease rankings, ranked 28 in Beijing.
  The day before yesterday, the reporter selected six sites, respectively, to experience the morning and evening peak and non-peak period taxi. Starting today, this newspaper will hit the car difficult to exist in the more concentrated the problems one by one investigation reveals.
  Yesterday, our reporter soldiers in three columns, select the job of the Wangfujing, Dongzhimen, Beijing Railway Station the three by users Tucao more lying, bargaining severe zone visits.
  Location: Wangfujing Oriental Plaza entrance
  "This is my outcry car"
  Yesterday 16:45 Oriental Plaza the four taxi parked at the door, show the "pause". Reporter approached, said going to Hujialou the brother of one of said et al, do not go.
  16:53 from Oriental Xintiandi out of three women sit on the side of the road waiting for the taxi directly, but soon out of the car. The three women said they are ready to go to the Chaoyang North Road, but the driver did not hit the table, they had to down.
  "Stop taxi pull live here do not hit the table." Next to an often there to pull the black live private car owners said.
  After 17:00, the growing number of taxi stops in front of the Oriental Plaza, 9. The two foreign men came by-vehicle inquiry, were refusing hire, to Sanlitun, to 100, do not hit the table. "One of the men said.
  Since then, allocated to go Longtan Lake Park, Haidian Huangzhuang,,, Chongwenmen are asked to play table drivers refusing hire.
  Disclose an act often in the vicinity of the old master, to the lie live off taxi is a lot of money, "do not have the road everywhere, the oil money they save, and does not hit the table, many people do not Pa Moren sit." Old master said.
  17:50, the reporter again approached the taxi, three taxi drivers asked the reporter to go, two car car body that read North invasive taxi company, and the other one says Feiyu taxi company. The, the Feiyu taxi company driver learned that reporter to go to Hujialou not, a driver of a North startups to $ 100, a price, and do not hit the table ". "I is the outcry of the car." The driver said.
  [Complaint Response]
  North startups
  Three working days to reply
  The 70-minute survey experience process, before and after a total of 13 taxi to dock Oriental Xintiandi door, all monitors display a "pause" or "outage". Before and after a total of 39 people asked a taxi, only five people meeting a good price on the car to leave, the remaining final basic subway.
  Yesterday, the reporter refusing hire problem call the North entrepreneurial taxi companies complaints telephone 61206596 complaints. The other said, within three working days after the record the taxi information as well as reporters of information to reporters reply.
  Beijing News reporter wildland
  Location: Dongzhimen transportation hub
  "Only go to Huairou, Miyun"
  Yesterday evening peak hours, the the Dongzhimen Guosheng center downstairs, 78 taxis stop at the roadside outside the Dongzhimen transportation hub, including the multi-car operator status display "pause", the rest of "empty". The drivers are in small groups waited at the bus schedule before, kept asking passers-by "taxi? Went to Huairou, Shunyi.
  See a man with a wife and children waiting for the bus, surrounded by several drivers on the go, that the other wanted to go the Huairou somewhere, a driver asking price of 200 yuan. "How much?" The men asked in surprise, "usually a taxi also 120 yuan." That the asking price is too high, the man refused to take.
  Two passengers take an original price of 100 yuan per person, for a "pause" in the taxi, destined for the Beijing Capital International Airport.
  The reporters approached that want to make cars to the happiness of the street, all drivers shook their heads, "only go to Huairou, Miyun. But when the reporter said the Beijing Railway Station line, the two drivers immediately can go, "a minimum of 80 yuan."
  Eventually, a reporter with an "empty" light lit taxi agreed to the Beijing Railway Station, for $ 60. The car service cards the company column says "Jin Shishun, service number 262056 the driver surnamed Yu. Why the asking price is so expensive, the driver said, because the peak hours is not a taxi, "to station traffic jams in Beijing, may have to give you a detour."
  15 minutes later, the car arrived near the Beijing Railway Station, 5 km away, the reporter paid 60 dollars.
  The reporter raised "invoice", the driver said no formal ticket, but it can give a "claims" invoice. This price on the invoice is displayed as "Beijing defined invoices" covered "Beijing's first truck rental company" chapter in lower right corner.
  [Complaint Response]
  Jin Danshun Company
  Parties driver non its employees
  Yesterday, the reporter to Beijing Jin Danshun taxi companies complaints, the other a staff member said the convoy did not have in the surname drivers, nor the number of the service, "not our company's car, you may hit the fake rental."
  Said first steam company's customer service hotline staff reporters in the hands of the invoice is not the first steam, "We are not as Chapter Chapter the taxi ticket on the all Beijing taxi invoice stamp." The officer said, even the first steam fixed invoices, do not give passengers personal "Only commercial vehicles, Enterprise contract vehicle, invoice only to the company." the officer believes that the reporters in the hands of the invoice may be fake.
  Beijing News reporter Liu Jenny
  Location: near the Beijing Railway Station
  Sitting in my car to go to the West Railway Station on 120 "
  Yesterday 17:30 Xu, Beijing Railway Station Square taxi waiting area, more than 100 passengers waiting more than 20 meters long team, "and so on for nearly half an hour, people are frozen.
  "Now is the peak hours, the less empty into the waiting area, a manager explained," every day. "
  20 meters away from the east side of the waiting area, the empty taxi vehicles parked on the roadside, taxi it? On the train and left ", whenever a pedestrian approached several drivers approached the" Lanhuo ".
  "Where?" Reporter approached, but also the drivers are surrounded. 120 yuan to the Beijing West Railway Station, the driver began to "bargain".
  "We are regular taxi", a the drivers point behind a Yuyang Company logo, license plate number for the Beijing BM7937 "taxi.
  "Playing table-denominated, more than 30 yuan will be able to" play table, a reporter's question, but then rejected, "do not hit the table, sitting in my car to the West Railway Station on 120.
  "But required to take the regular cab, the driver must play table-denominated, not at liberty to asking price." Reporters argue.
  "Would you like to ride with us, do not sit to get out, the queuing AiDong go" driver attitude becomes impatient, walk away and let the reporters leave.
  To the Beijing West Railway Station, a few more empty taxi drivers have shouted ranging from 80-100 yuan price, but to hear the reporter playing table-denominated "requirements, all refused.
  For taxi "bargaining rejection" problem, a manager of the waiting area, said, "those empty rental never come (waiting area), we can stop."
  [Complaint Response]
  Yuyang Company
  10 working days to reply
  On the matter last night, reporters call the Beijing Yuyang Taxi companies Telephone complaints, a female staff records bargaining rejection "get off grades, location and reporters reflect, said," We will be in 10 working days give you an answer. "
  Told reporters that the vehicle is still the company's ability to come to the scene to solve? Subsequently, in a telephone reporter heard the female staff to ask the people around awhile, again inform "will reply within 10 working days."
  Beijing News reporter Dan Minglei
  ■ link
  Columbia bargaining Showmanship at least fined 100 yuan
  Beijing Taxi Management Ordinance, the taxi drivers are required to use the meter properly, not bargaining with passengers not permitted Showmanship. Any violation, and shall be liable to a fine of 100-1000 yuan; given a warning by the traffic administrative department in charge of the case is serious, punishable by a fine of 1000-2000 yuan, operational qualification documents on the violation records can be withheld operational qualification documents from one month to three months.
  In addition, taxi drivers refused to carry passengers, 1000-2000 yuan fine imposed by the traffic administrative department in charge of operational qualification documents on the violation records can be withheld operational qualification documents a month to three months; plot serious, revoke operating qualification documents.

Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed 6 the cars Lianzhuang rescue personnel at the scene stealing food to be shot

Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed 6 the cars Lianzhuang rescue personnel at the scene stealing food to be shot (Figure)
Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed Changge, and a pull vegetables car turned over on the side of the road
Found two boxes of accident the car to pull the car in the accident rescue co-pilot position vegetables
16 am yesterday, Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed Luohe section is still slow traffic. Slippery, occurred the morning with 6 cars Lianzhuang accident site staff said, was injured in the accident, but will not cause illness.
  Slippery brake cars, high-speed cars Lianzhuang
  16 am yesterday, the driver of weeks old sitting in the edge of the highway, a shoe is nowhere to be found in the car crash, he had to foot wrapped in a plastic bag. His means of livelihood - red trucks roll to the side, goods scattered on the ground.
  10 hours before the startling scene that the of The Northeast menfolk children can not be relieved.
6:00 yesterday morning, the fog was thick, in Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed Luohe old Zhou said that the moment of his car in front of two cars collided.
  Afterwards, the old week that the cause of the incident was overtaking a car skidding. At the time, the cars this move almost to the the old weeks of life. In order to avoid the front of cars skidding, weeks old to play a steering wheel, car skid brakes, bang Lang sound trucks roll.
  Rollover red truck in the highway east demi, roadside fence to break open a hole. Southward ten meters of the fence, a pull tire truck planted on slopes, severely deformed front tires scattered on the slopes. The driver said that he is because of the slippery the brake car before severing fence down.
  Site traffic police said the accident occurred at 6 o'clock in the morning, a total of 6 cars Lianzhuang the incident due to driver fatigue driving and slippery.
  Gravel bags said the driver, pointing to the high street, the The gravel original spread anti-skid on the road, but "why traffic police Highways did not shop the"? In this regard, the traffic police did not respond.
  Take advantage of the owners do not pay attention to
  Rescue the car someone secretly "moving dish"
  The scene of the accident is the most northern rescue vehicles parked, a man on board to take advantage of a lorry owners did not pay attention to the boxes in the truck moved two boxes of dishes, stuffed into his cab. The truck because of the impact, the damaged car parts mounted dish box, but majority still intact.
  Henan Business Daily reporter inquiries, the man to get off, saying "I'm sorry", two boxes of dishes back to the owners.
  Not far from Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed distance Luohe Changge segment, morning fifty-six am, slippery, a Hunan E license trucks rushed directly under the fence, severely deformed body, the car pull beans scattered four. Scene Highways staff said there were no casualties.


"Ray - Donovan" Showtime drama "sex guru" jointly issued notice

Two drama's, style, positioning audience are not the same
Large cable network Showtime recently released a "Combo" Trailer for promotion the heavy launch next year, two brand new episodes - "sex guru" and "Ray - Donovan.
Television network performance ratings on bigger and beautiful when popular television series in the "bloodthirsty forensic" Johnny "Homeland Security" has exceeded expectations become winning big, won in golden goal, posture so dominate Amy Showtime signs like gold plus body. These editing software also appear in this section fit trailer confident television network in the ratings double harvest reputation of excellent situation for two new campaign. The scale of the "sex guru" in the video apparently have reservations, when it comes to understanding wired network drama fans alone should have guessed themes, it is estimated that the drama will be "full of tricks" challenges viewers nerve sensitivity; "Ray - Donovan 000 "is a realistic depiction of the story line, the old drama of bone joining Joe - Walt undoubtedly add enough weight, actor Levi - Shiruiboer performance is the same wonderful," sanctimonious "the story of the guy who is somewhat worth pondering .
"Sex guru" adapted from the novel of the same name, to about William Masters and his assistant, Virginia Johnson, to explore the science of human sex, the findings also led to the sexual revolution. The pilot episode by British director - John Madden, Zhang Jing, "Pacific War" screenwriter Michelle Ashford, Judith Verno the the "FireWire detectives duo Sarah Timberman and Carl Beverly will act as executive producer. Ray - Donovan "" the Nancheng police matter "Ann - Badman and" Saving Private Ryan "producer Mark - Gordon together to build about a full-time in Los Angeles, celebrities and tycoons service the mysterious person. He could ingenious solution to this rich and those most trouble in the city at the same time highly confidential personal problems, but it is no way to deal with their own complicated family life.

Tears Woman Flower "the hot shot Hu Jing interpretation of the success of the female

Tears of a woman flowers stills
Hu Jing played the female version of Ah Q counteroffensives remember
Recently, Hu Jing, starring the Republic drama "Tears woman flowers" to visit the set of open media in Haisong Jiang Shengjiang movie. Hu Jing exhibition show skill, performing original bitter drama with a the Lotte witty way by the great recognition of the director, she said with a smile that this is a "female version of Ah Q counteroffensives success story". Scene Hu Jing even told the media sharing play within Xiwai-law husband and wife get along Road.
Female version of Ah Q counteroffensives success into steady Accurate "big girl
The story recounts the Hu Jing homes of the poor girl, played by Yang Suyun the tear growth history, experienced husband betrayed her innocent girl from one so young, my mother-in-law make things difficult for the children sick, and many other life misfortune, tenacity and dedication is placing his or her own philosophical attitude towards life, and ultimately won a complete family.
Asked for the understanding of the role, Hu Jing said, "This is the success story of a female version of Ah Q counteroffensives the Yang Suyun in my opinion is the pioneer women of the Republic, is a 'steady Accurate' woman to face the third, she is very calm, maintaining the status quo, which is 'stable'; She chose her husband's vision is 'quasi', and she decided not to become; She brings his 'ruthless', for the mother-in-law make things difficult, her husband betrayed her efforts of self-reliance and to find ways to change their very ruthless. "her husband, Hu Jing said with a smile, people choose their own vision is quite accurate.
Yu-fu proper way to self-reliance, the mother-and daughter get along with your in really
Scene, Hu Jing also shared with the media play Yang Suyun with her husband, mother-in-law get along. The two problems is her mother-in-law make things difficult and husband betrayed, but Yang Suyun own way of coping, not only to learn the culinary firmly grasp her husband's stomach, and also create a cause of self-reliance, and opened a small restaurant, the face of things difficult for themselves mother-in-law is dealt with gently.
Asked how to coax her mother happy life, Hu Jing generous response than gifts like ah, I think the most important-law get along really nothing missing my mother-in-law, if there is any unhappy things, She is concerned the most important thing a man to listen to her speak, then I will be very serious about listening to her she is a particularly open-minded people, I shoot out about five months is not often at home, my mother-in-law wanted Let me stay home with the children, but she respected my career. "

"Baby war" Tu Songyan first test no child marriage DINK topic, hot lead

The coated Songyan with Kelly
The the urban family emotional drama starring Tu Song Yan, Yao Qian Yu, Kelly, Tse Kwan Ho "baby war" Guangdong, Shaanxi the two TV night prime time hit. Since its launch in December 5, the drama "DINK", "naked marriage" hot topic caused many viewers actor Tu Songyan, said recently in an interview that "child marriage" In this play the first attempt, "This is a drama with social issues."
The play is Tu Song Yan Yao Qian Yu plays 70 couples the main line, leads in the end not to have children "," With the custody of the children how to "," husband and wife emotional problems children how to do the "," unable to have children marriage can sustain " common problems in the lives of the people, coupled with the "law relationship" first love "," non-biological child life issues are intertwined which makes the story more show intricate. Liu Zhiwen the play Tu Songyan played a news reporter, and his wife Liu Ruxin is a lawyer, two weekdays are very busy work and family perspective, are very advanced, they reached a consensus to adhere to enjoy two of the world, promise " DINK "in the end, but this decision was the mother-in-law all the obstruction and destruction, caused a lot of contradictions.
Tu Song Yan said in an interview, the show may be for entertainment is not strong, but it is the social issues, I believe that many viewers will be feeling after reading.

"Choice" Nanjing station the finale tonight mystery heavily cited conjecture

Emotional Guoneishoubu reflect the main theme of "Learning the Japanese giant system" choice "will be tonight in Nanjing station ushered in the finale. This 41-episode TV series since its launch, the heat has been high in Jiangsu inspire the audience unprecedented patriotic fervor and nostalgia wave. The play is a collection of spy war scenes, the overall national interest, the national love of men and women emotion in a multiple plot lines go hand in hand, play the main character's fate reverie, all the answers will be announced tonight.
TV series "Big Choice" by successfully produced happiness Nine "," shower of blood mother and feeling "and other hit series Sheng Shikai Chinese Cultural Investment Co., sole proprietorship, who directed" stinger "and other well-known works of high march any director, Lin Yongjian, Ma Yue, Guo Da, Wang Yajie Hu Ke Xu Yun stars such as Qing Li joined, designed to create a reproduction Study of the Chinese people full of patriotism, discard personal interests, to save the nation in times of crisis, the love of boundless emotional epic masterpiece.
Conjecture: the outcome of the men
Wu Mingtai (Mayaw ornaments) as the leader of the scholars, despite personal knowledge and character are admired and admiration, but after all, are weak, he can break the dogged successfully led the school people to greet new life?
National senior officials of the Soviet Union from grace the (Lin Yongjian ornaments), although the effectiveness of the National Government, but the heart is also worried about the party and the country's future, in secret protection learn in the process, gradually see the reality of their inner tangle increasingly strong, loyalty and personal values ​​of the party-state conflict, and ultimately how he will choose?
Traitor villain Shu Li where (HOU days to ornaments) did all the bad things he has been away from the paths of righteousness and farther away, he eventually came to their senses, or come to their senses?
Guess the outcome of the two: a woman who
Shu Lijuan, and the KMT's confidential secretary Wu Mingtai love and pregnant with his child, but could not bear to betray the president and his wife, was removed between the two kinds of regime suffering, how she will discourage unrepentant pro Gege Shu Li-Fan? Her whether Wu Mingtai love flower bloom?
Civil and military officers of beauty yellow Lamei (the Li core Yat decorated) has been always in the dark to protect Wu Mingtai of Wu Mingtai, this extraordinary woman love by hate raw, righteous choose to hide its love for the bottom of my heart, but according to the actor microblogging revealed her the outcome there will be a reversal of shaking, can you guess what?

The article from the "little man" upgrade "Dad" hot shot "little father"

Articles and actor together
WASHINGTON (Beijing trainee reporter Tao Yu boat) because of the movie "High Fidelity 33 days", the actor article called "little man", now in his first feature drama escalated into him by the "little man" Out. "
By SMG still World Pictures co-produced the TV series "Dad" hot-shot director and lead actor the article telling reporters, when his father let yourself grow up a lot, "Daddy" inspiration from his wife Mai Li parenting.
Play, the article "little man" played by a debt-ridden, and suddenly one day, he learned that he had never met his son, and his son came to join his mother died, so they staged a ridiculous and affectionate father and son drama. The article revealed that, before it has been shot story between a child and parents intend. "My daughter is one year old, my wife (Mai Li) everything the children mainly, I originally wanted to write her and off for three years, the story of mind-for the idea, has become today's" Out. "
Interpretation of "small" and said: "I played in this movie is 'Moe dad' relationship with the child and in the traditional sense. Drama would like to discuss, young parents, and in the end there ready to do a good job when the parents, they often feel that they are a child, so they are 'small' father, the children often become their teachers, to help them grow. "
For the first directed tube, the article admitted that in fact is "forced": "another drama no one with me, had to self-direction." Naked marriage age "after more than two years, I did a TV series filmed printing of rumors that are too expensive, a set of 1.2 million yuan, but I really had not won so much money. "

Twenty something for "Young Male Rocker Girl" campaign starring as the new biggest names

Leon Dai said network drama "Young men and women Alice" with the film with broadcast into the hot events
Phoenix ANGELES, December 10, the first domestic Internet cross-border long drama Young Male Alice female pioneer experience will be held in Beijing, director Leon Dai, producer Machuan portable play all the starring appearance momentum, Hao Lei, Guan Hu, waking Qu Ying guests attended. The play with the biggest names in the bit-part player made, all starring are new, but as a guest star to pop. Scene, coming out as a host Liu Yan crew invited to join the cameo Liu Yanli readily agreed, and threatened to transfiguration "Alice female.
Of Leon Dai Machuan the car lasting bonds with the beat with the broadcast audience call the shots
Conference director Leon Dai recalled the "revolutionary friendship with producer Machuan injuries in Xinjiang Rally mutual care and development," and I Machuan "killing" the director Guan Hu and understanding to participate in the Rally partnership chance, the three of us involved in racing team, common hobby and soon became friends, and later reached a common consensus to do network drama. "Leon Dai scene said," Young Male Alice female with the broadcast of the form "will be shot with the daily audience," In the play, we will present the latest events into the news, hot, the audience can expect plot Feedback, maybe our next shot is your own story. "producer Machuan, site of the future audience shouted:" All the audience can be screenwriter, as long as you have a good idea, we are always waiting for you. "
Liu Yan was invited to do the "Alice female star to pop willing to serve as green leafy
The day of the National Congress of the "Young Male Alice female" starring full debut. It is understood that this particular mode of the biggest names in the bit-part player "system" Young men and Alice female "Enable All new starring and guest invited many stars the biggest names to come. Conference, come to join in a series of the biggest names began to hold live. Just from the TV series "Little Daddy" came by the studio famous performing artist Ma Jingwu father of producer Machuan, he said, in order to participate in the activities of the son, the director of "Daddy" article specifically his play early shoot. Hao Lei said that join good buddy and Machuan, Leon Dai, person. Addition and the two are friends, Qu Ying Wei knife, one of the drama "Young men are his former agent, can be described as inextricably linked with the show. Liu Yan appeared as a presenter on-site by the crew invited guest, to Liu Yanli readily agreed, and threatened to become an "Alice female".

History and little people blend, three-dimensional interpretation of the history of ordinary people struggle

"Eunuch" stills
"Eunuch" stills
"Eunuch" is placed on the historical background of the late Qing precarious Lianggong Queen Mother behind a screen, the the Tongzhi Emperor young rebel, Prince Gong initiated the Westernization Movement ... these historical events through the perspective of a eunuch survival show: Empress Tsz Although the collision security role will resort to subtle begins nearly set, but not difficult to see buried during the FY undercurrents; the stubborn forces headed to the empress and improved forces led by Prince Gong conflict, people see The violent impact of advanced Western technology to the culture of the late Qing Dynasty.
As for this history between the little guy is not just shape the history of the struggle of the little people see the big show a precarious basis of a small, dark clouds linger on the decline of the dynasty, history and little people blend, three-dimensional interpretation of the story. Wayne Lai said: "this movie is not to reverse the verdict as the head eunuch, and just hope that we see a more three-dimensional head eunuch has been characterized as a villain, disastrous, but not decades are only bad thing, What changes how the mentality change, we are little understood. history only records things, but there is no record feelings I play the head eunuch not want to change history, but will raise some questions, reflect on the surface masked . "
From this point on, whether it is the Palace of the bucket of what kind of groups, whether it is human nature how to portray, whether it is placed on how the middle of the historic environment, more importantly, is touched to the script itself respective themes of praise and criticism, touched humanity and profound environmental intertwined bottom line. Co-integration into the unyielding pursuit of compassion for different groups, as well as penetrating the imperial power critique. This is a deeper reflection surface conceal something.

The breakthrough past Palace, Doo groups Male Edition Palace bucket also intrigues

"Eunuch" stills
"Eunuch" stills

Past the Palace play fighting mostly focused the throne battle or concubines of the disaster, as if a bucket status quo of the Palace of the upper classes of society ", surrounded by wealth and status of family fate, at between former administration and harem intrigues, intrigues the story, showing a large imperial power Forbidden City continues to struggle with the fate of the masters course. "Eunuch" tells the story of the male version of Little People Palace bucket.
Of paving the way for the opening, the head eunuch is like entering the court doing good to talk about things with good intentions, "Liu Miyoshi, humane, flesh and blood, shot Jingren concentric, sharp enough to cut gold" loyalty card, forming many friends, and to distinguish between right and wrong, loyalty at the same time protects the main pressure rolling for future court forced change concentric, foreshadowed the trade-offs between good and evil. The one hand, he had to deal with between the masters, experienced conflicts between masters to linger on the other hand, he was the servant of the lowermost layer between deal knot camp, to get the land to survive.
Shows that such a subtle psychological drama and difficult court by a eunuch perspective, to touch to the the underlying people sympathetic precious feelings about the little people in the history of the survival of the palace, the head eunuch of careful thought, Au's expertise in powerful, Chen Fu's crafty, Peng Sanshun bullying the weak and afraid of evil, just a few shots will be able to live dragon come alive in front of the audience, and each character individually into a good story, people Jujiao Chu drama taste sigh Palace of the continuation of the struggle. "not only in the upper classes of society, but also reflected among the little people in the grassroots, the intrigues of the palace bucket plot has not lost the previous woman play called the male version of Palace bucket.

"Eunuch" plot replies: Palace bucket style transformation ordinary people struggle history

"Eunuchs" for the first time involving eunuchs theme
"Eunuch" stills
By competent actor Wayne Lai, Michelle starring TVB T'ai "eunuch" since its launch ratings gains across the board all the way. With the past Palace bucket drama focusing harem concubines battle is different, "eunuch" hero is the Empress Dowager around the Reds head eunuch. TVB drama continues the narrative style, and restart Palace play fighting another special group - eunuch, through this special group on the stage of history and unique interpretation of the historical figures to show the history of the struggle of the little.
Walk between history and Joking humanity see the continuation of TVB drama style of the world situation
Court life "eunuch" aimed at the little people, to focus on the details, play their narrative of expertise to see the point of view of the world situation, humanity, wandering between history and Joking previously acclaimed "War and Beauty" Beyond the Realm of Conscience " is successful case. The "eunuch" continue to play the "compassionate" brand continues TVB court drama in the past see the characteristics of large to small victory in the delicate.
Although many viewers Wayne Lai shape righteous man version of the head eunuch history match controversy, but is no doubt that the TVB are based on the the court little guy is of positive significance. Li Lianying wait Empress 50 years, and by favoritism, he can be more than flexible in the sinister palace for decades, the ways and means of their interaction with others in a way still revelation for us today. As Jilian Hai said, "Li Lianying able to mix at the time, and can be respected when he was alive, there must be many East Tibet on the inside, from the non-interference in the affairs of state, for instance, he never assertive, these hidden things, whether the study of history, or the study of life, are the inspiration.
For the Empress, drama performance of her concern for the fate mortal with the Western powers, which is inconsistent with the history of the "quantity of material resources in China, the end-state of favor." Empress image somewhat. Yan Chong evaluate the Empress "the Empress as a woman, is undoubtedly an outstanding, excellent, he was very smart, know better trickery. Statesman ruler to measure the Empress, he did not have the foresight of politicians, wide mind running the country strategy, the spirit of innovation. " Play the Empress and the Great Satan traitor impression we are far apart, but the autocrat, short-sighted, as well as means of manipulation of the officials and the little guy is also filling its Machiavellian cunning.
Play the head eunuch walk walking up and down between the history of political and court described out will also be out Empress the arbitrariness rights, Machiavellian, complacent, arrogant characteristics performance. After all is Joking Joking, we can not be demanding respect for the fact that its like a documentary, and those that are purely fictitious details of the achievements of the dramatic conflict, giving space to the history and Joking reverie, it should be said, "eunuch" is successful.

"Naive encounter reality Shenzhen years Lin Yongjian Chen number caught in the whirlpool

Chen, who played Young naive
Lin Yongjian naive encounter reality "change older male
Shenzhen Satellite TV yesterday officially announced the 2013 open-year drama Whispering "On the day she encountered the reality." At the same time, the drama then file of dramatic new version of Suitangyanyi "at the star-studded highly starred by the number of Chen and Lin Yongjian concern, Yan W, Jiang Wu, Zhang Han, Du Chun Baoqiang Indian small days, Hu Dong, Wang Li can, Gan Tingting, Baibing popular idol will be moving in unison to the interpretation of a soul-stirring history of the Sui and Tang dynasties.
Lin Yongjian play naive encounter reality "is an older reality men he pay attention to is to see the people that were so, hell that nonsense, extremely shrewd, but when he met Yang Chen number of plays naive completely silly eye, caught in a "whirlpool" love, directly into a naive "Angel" from the reality of male and dedication to fight for their own happiness, although the process is bumpy helpless, but he did not flinch until the advent of the happiness. Play even introduced December 21, 2012, the legendary concept of the "end of the world", is extremely close to the social hot spots and ground gas, Lin Yongjian and Chen number to the interpretation of the wonderful acting for some temporary at the last day to still believe in love lover. Family as the great drama of the 2013 opening of the Shenzhen Satellite TV years, the play as an entry point to love as a link line, the new build of a sense of humor and a happy family drama.
Immediately after the "innocent encounter reality", on January 14 next year, the Shenzhen Satellite TV will broadcast a new version of the epic big star-studded drama "Orientation". Play by the famous Hong Kong film director Billy Chung, "New Water Margin" martial arts director States Jianyong, Chen Min, positive, well-known film and television art form to bring the team together to create. The huge 280 million investment, high production standards, "Orientation of similar themes play a strong production.


Korean media said North Korea has begun the launch site within the fuel depot injection fuel

Yonhap quoted a government sources as saying that on December 7, fuel depots the DPRK, Tieshan County East, Pyonganbuk, barn missile launch site personnel and vehicle access frequently. The judge, North Korea may fuel being injected fuel depots.
  The source said that, after the end of the fuel injection fuel depots, North Korea may officially start on rocket into fuel. From the current situation, the DPRK also may be injected from the 8th rocket fuel.
  Completed injected fuel in North Korea, according to local weather conditions and other factors to determine the launch date. According to the meteorological analysts predict that the DPRK launch scheduled on the first day (the 10th) will be a cloudy day, the 12th, the weather conditions will be good.
  Japanese media had predicted that North Korea may launch a rocket between 1 anniversary at 7:00 on the 17th to 8:30 in the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, Yonhap said. 

The media said Hu Jintao spare time likes to watch Korean dramas especially love "Dae Jang Geum"

Hu Jintao spare time likes to watch Korean dramas, especially like to watch "Dae Jang Geum"
This article Source: old newspaper December 5, 2012 A12 version of: the elderly newspaper editorial board, the original title: "Chinese and foreign leaders are chasing what drama"
  The successful re-election of Barack Obama, first lady Michelle can finally relax, her pastime is chasing Popular British drama. The president's wife is "Downton Manor" crazy drama fans. But the third quarter to be released in the United States until January next year. Recently, Michelle Contact ITV request to send her some DVD, she can not wait to preview.
  ITV, she replies: "look, but do not spoilers.
  In fact, the families of foreign leaders is not the only Michelle was chasing the drama.
  U.S. President Barack Obama to admit, watching TV tastes than other family members to be "dark" some. In an interview with "People" magazine, he replied like watching gangster drama "Boardwalk Empire" and counter-terrorism drama "Homeland Security", which is his favorite. The drama about a CIA agent and who has been taken prisoner in Iraq for eight years, the story of former Marine Sergeant terror suspects match wits confusing because the story, the first episode hit the channel premiere set for 8 years highest ratings, end of season episode and refresh ending sets the highest ratings record, to wonder even Mr. President but also in his busy chasing drama in the end.
  Chinese President Hu Jintao in your busy day like watching Korean. Welcome dinner on August 25, 2008, Hu Jintao's visit to South Korea, the South Korean star Lee Young Ae figure is particularly interesting. According to South Korean media reports, President Limingbote instructed to do reception work. Jinen Hui, South Korean presidential deputy spokesman, explained: "As far as I know, President Hu Jintao and his wife is" Dae Jang Geum "drama fans, so (we) invite Lee Young Ae attend." The day of the dinner, another representatives of Hallyu star Jang Nara sing , Hu Jintao shook hands with her, a thank you, which let Jang Nara "surprise know what to do, fairly accurate pronunciation of Korean President Hu also said in Korean.
  Accept Korean reporter, back in 2005, Hu Jintao has himself confirmed, he liked to see the "Dae Jang Geum", but because the official is busy, and always failed to continuous after reading.
  News article in the Communist Party of China writes: "As a PFP patriotic head of state, President Hu fans is naturally very much." Dae Jang Geum "fans also have President Hu couples, it is no wonder South Korea friends, especially their creators so proud. "
  And compared to the first two leaders, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il said to like to watch movies and create their own movies with. He most like to see the 007 series, "Friday the 13th" movie starring Elizabeth Taylor and Donald Duck cartoons. Countries a copy of the film his collection of as many as 250,000. He personally created and executive producer of the film "Flower Girl" is popular in North Korea and neighboring countries, won the special prize of the 18th International Film Festival and the Grand Prize chapter.
  Kim Jong Il outspoken screens fond: "If I do not have to be a politician, I am sure that is a good movie director, or at least a film critic." Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines at any time, no matter how busy , she was all out of time to spend with their families. Her of Chinese descent and her husband and two sons love to watch "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and she also liked to say that the movie is a beautiful film.
  These years, Chinese drama has become an important way to spread Chinese culture overseas, Southeast Asian, African leaders have become the Chinese drama fans.
  Served as Chinese ambassador to Vietnam Li Jiazhong memories of his term in Vietnam on the screen about "Niezhai", "Yongzheng Dynasty", "My Fair Princess" and "hand" three forty drama. Vietnamese former Deputy Prime Minister Ruangong Dan had told him that, as long as some evening and played Chinese drama, government agencies, it will be difficult to convene a meeting, even if it is a high-ranking cadres, also want to go home on time chasing drama. The officials of the Ministry of Culture said, whenever you listen to Chinese drama, Hanoi streets few pedestrians, traffic accidents will be reduced accordingly. The former Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee General Secretary Do Muoi, like a village long, he felt that "not only does not rustic, but very enlightening, another former Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Le Kha read the hero no regrets", feel the drama public security bureau of public security bureau, with Vietnam are very similar.

Li Peng Kee collision incident of the South China Sea: The U.S. guilty conscience and I do not know how to deal with

Original title: Li Peng Kee Nanhai collision incident: The U.S. guilty conscience, I do not know how to deal with
  This article is excerpted from "Li Peng, Foreign Affairs Diary, Li forward, Xinhua Press
  Monday, April 2, Clear
  Yesterday, U.S. Navy surveillance activities in the South China Sea within the exclusive economic zone, an EP-3 surveillance the Navy two Jian aircraft surveillance. The plane collided with a U.S. reconnaissance plane, the pilot eject cabin still unaccounted for, the aircraft crashing into the. Also has two of the four U.S. aircraft propeller damage. U.S. aircraft without our permission landed the Lingshui naval airport on Hainan Island. It was reported that on 24 U.S. military personnel, safe and sound. Asked me to return the aircraft and personnel. It speculation very hot in the international community, say that this is a test of the sensitive period of Sino-US relationship. U.S. aircraft violated airspace, the relatively low-key, and say that this is an accident, the Chinese aircraft hit the U.S. plane.
  Wednesday, April 4 Clear
  24 U.S. Air Force personnel, consular and military attache of the United States met in Haikou admit that they are a good reception, good health. U.S. release machine. However, the United States seemed to be somewhat timid, do not know exactly how to handle the plane collision incident.
  Wednesday 11 April Hangzhou Clear
  World opinion condemned the U.S. hegemonic acts, I think the idea on the Chinese side of the collision incident.
  Us with the United States have reached a preliminary agreement. The United States expressed deep regret to me (Very Sorry), we agree with the United States 24 crew members to leave, but the U.S. is still being detained.
  Thursday, April 19, Clear
  The first round of negotiations of the collision problem has come to an end. We show evidence publicly to reporters. Positive scratches from the propeller, and red paint of Chinese aircraft, and aircraft on the bottom of the antenna is tilted inward, both the U.S. hit me. Evidence, the evidence so that we win the initiative.
  Friday, May 25, Clear
  Today is the climax of the visit in South Korea. I met with former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, who is visiting the ROK. He asked me what words to tell the elder Bush, he can convey. I said, China has the United States show that maintaining great restraint in dealing with the the Collider problems in the South China Sea, China, the United States should accept that China shipped back to the aircraft, rather than fly back to the program.
  Thursday, June 7, Clear
  Sino-US negotiations on the return of the manner and date on the U.S. aircraft have been agreed, forced the wrong, the United States promised shipped back after the demolition of the aircraft. Commencement of demolition on June 13, July 8, the U.S. leased the large Russian AN-124 cargo aircraft, aircraft parts shipped back.
  Saturday Partly February
  I read Bush's State of the Union address. The war and the economy should be a win-win situation, and named Iraq, Iran and North Korea is a terrorist state. The next moves in the United States is how to take the law, we will wait and see. On "axis of evil" in his State of the Union address, Bush proposed aroused the opposition of many countries of the world, many countries in the European Union have said. Country named Iraq, Iran, North Korea, the more intense reaction.

Xi Jinping stressed Paul economic growth in attention to sustainable quality and efficiency

November 30, China news agency, Beijing, December 6 - CPC Central Committee held a non-party forum for people in Zhongnanhai, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech. Xi pointed out that the work of the next year's economic and social development, as the center to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth, while maintaining stability, innovation, and a solid start to further deepen reform and opening up, and further strengthen the innovation-driven, to achieve a sustained and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability .
  According to official media reported on the 6th, seminars on the current economic situation and economic work next year to listen to the democratic parties, the National Federation of leaders and independents comments and suggestions.
  Wen Jiabao, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan, Zhang Gaoli attended the forum. Wen Jiabao informed of the situation of economic work, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council considered for next year's economic work.
  Having listened carefully to all the speakers, Xi pointed out that since the beginning of this year, in the face of the complex international economic environment, faced with the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability, we adhere to the scientific development as the theme, to accelerate the transformation of economic development as the main line, accordance with the work overall tone Wenzhongqiujin, timely strengthen and improve macro-control, dependable growth in a more important position in the steady growth, adjusting structure, promoting reform, people's livelihood, have made positive progress. Adhere to service the National Center for the democratic parties, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, personages without party affiliation, closely linked to the main theme, the grass-roots level, public services, financial reform, resources and the environment, technological innovation, social management, energy saving and environmental protection, urban and rural, rural culture utilities and other serious research, comments and suggestions to the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, has played an important role in scientific decision-making, science policy, and made important contributions to promote economic and social development.
  Xi Jinping stressed in fully affirmed China's economic and social development, fundamentally sound premise, we must not underestimate the current and future risks and challenges faced by a period, major world economic slow growth trend will continue, the lack of aggregate demand and capacity the relative surplus contradictions increased production rising operating costs and the lack of innovative capacity issues exist, intensified the contradiction between economic development and resources and environment. We have to adhere to the "two points" split second look at problems, we must see the favorable international and domestic situation, but also to see the downside, upbeat sake, do most fully prepared to fight for a better result.
  Xi pointed out that the next year is to fully implement the spirit of the Party and 18 the first year, for next year's economic and social development is very important for the center to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth, while maintaining stability, innovation, solid start further deepen reform and opening up, to further strengthen the innovation-driven, sustained and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability. Is necessary to maintain economic growth, continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy, enhance economic growth within the life force and power, growth must be real growth and there is no water, there is efficiency, quality, sustainable growth. The second is to strengthen and consolidate the position of agriculture as the foundation, and increase support for agriculture, strengthen and improve the strong rich peasants benefiting the agriculture policy, to accelerate the development of modern agriculture, to ensure that the National Food and effective supply of agricultural products. The third is to promote structural adjustment achieved significant progress, stabilize foreign demand, while efforts to expand domestic demand, increase the industrial structure adjustment and upgrading efforts, and steadily push forward the healthy development of urbanization. Fourth, to adhere to the socialist market economic reform direction, do a good job in the top-level design and launch targeted reform measures in a timely manner, and adhere to the the overall gradual and partial breakthrough combination boldly explore, seek practical results. To vigorously safeguard and improve people's livelihood, focusing on protection of low-income people's basic living, hardship subsidies do college students to focus on stabilizing and expanding employment, strengthen urban and rural social security system, guide the masses to establish wealth through hard work to improve the living faith, which so that the direction to improve the livelihood of the people, both the party and the government, has become the target of the broad masses of the people struggle.

Mo Yan explained pseudonym reason: "When I was due to talk nonsense."

 December 6 at noon local time, the winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature, Mo Yan appearance in the Swedish capital of Stockholm, the Swedish Academy to attend the press conference of Nobel Laureate. This is the first public appearance of Mo Yan After winning in Stockholm, Sweden. China news agency issued Shen morning photo
  WASHINGTON, Stockholm, December 6 at noon on December 6, 2012 Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan at the Swedish Academy to attend the press conference of Nobel Laureate After winning his first public appearance in Stockholm. Conference, he explained to the outside world again the own pseudonym reason.
  Chinese Foreign Correspondents' Mo Yan pseudonym meaning quite interested on this question in the press conference. Mo Yan explains the pen name of three reasons.
  First, his real name is tube mo industry, "mo" middle, right and left halves apart to is Moyan word.
  Second, go away by themselves often talk nonsense, give parents a lot of trouble, so named itself Mo Yan, is less talk.
  Third, a writer, if you keep talking, there is no effort to write a novel. As a writer, you should talk less, a pen, he wanted to say.
  The data show that, Mo Yan, formerly known as tube mo, born in Gaomi County, famous contemporary Chinese writers. The Open University of Hong Kong Honorary Doctor of Letters. His rise since the mid-1980s to a series of local works, filled with "nostalgia" and "blame Township complex emotional, are classified as" Seeking literary "writers. The works are influenced by magic realism, to write out a "legend" in the of Gaomi northeast Township. Mo Yan subjective feeling of the world in his novel structure unique to dream-like narrative, unfamiliar process, shaping the mysterious transcendental object world, with "Pioneer" color.

Wen Jiabao: the new leaders will continue to attach great importance to Sino-Russian

China news agency, Moscow, December 6 (Reporter Zhang Weiran) - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao local time in Moscow with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev presided over the the seventeenth periodic meeting of the Sino-Russian Prime Minister. Total see reporters after the talks, Wen said that China's new leaders will continue to adhere to attach great importance to Sino-Russian relations from a strategic and overall continuity of the Premier important mechanism of regular meetings, opened up a friendship and cooperation with Russia to broader prospects.
  Since 2003, Premier Wen Jiabao annually held a regular meeting with the Russian Prime Minister, which were 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010, four times visited Russia and held a regular meeting between Chinese and Russian prime ministers. Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, Mikhail Fradkov, Putin visited China and held a regular meeting between Chinese and Russian prime ministers.
  Today the Wen Jiabao Medvedev large and small-scale meeting lasted about two-and-a-half hours, after the two prime ministers witnessed the signing of a dozen cooperation agreements, and a total of see a reporter.
  My political career last visit in Russia, I think that is particularly meaningful especially cherish This is my tenth and last attended the two prime ministers regular meeting, and therefore with the past and the meaning of "Wen said.
  Wen introduced in the talks, the two prime ministers from the eight areas of trade and investment, energy, aerospace, local cooperation, financial, high-tech, humanities, international and regional affairs, summed up the cooperation between the two countries in the past ten years the results achieved fully affirmed The two prime ministers meet regularly to play an important role.
  He said, these years the leaders of the two countries closely frank and in-depth communication to establish a high level of political trust and deep friendship, and provide a powerful impetus to the development of Sino-Russian relations in the cooperation, the two sides adhere to the principle of mutual respect and take care of each other's concerns better achieve complementary advantages and mutual benefit and win-win.
  Wen pointed out that the profound and complex changes in the current international and regional situation, the international financial crisis is not the end of the world economic downturn increases the risk, the face of a difficult external environment, China and Russia to be closer to work together to address the challenges to accelerate its development and strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral areas, safeguard common interests.
  Medvedev said that when you see a reporter in total sincerely thank Wen Jiabao made great contributions to promote bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, Premier Wen Jiabao has been very understanding of all the details of the relations between the two countries, which will help us to solve many difficult problems.
  Medvedev said that the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation to enhance quality, including investment, nuclear energy, aircraft manufacturing, space, and other technical cooperation in the field. The two countries should further promote university cooperation, promote student exchanges.

China news agency, Foshan, December 6 (Cheng Jingwei and Huang Zhiqing) - By the Chinese Supreme People's Court approved illegal deposits from the public of 1.3 billion yuan, 159 million yuan of corruption "809 Foshan Postal Savings case" principal offender He Liqiong 6th in Foshan, Guangdong province death penalty.   The Court found, He Liqiong the original Foshan Chancheng Post large customer service department manager. To repay gambling debts or for personal investment, the period 2003 to 2009, He Liqiong organization conductor Chen Qili to of Foshan Chancheng Lanshi Post Office and Postal Longjiaoshan savings nominal foreign illegal sequestration Chen Moujuan 198 The name of the depositor's deposit totaling 1.325 billion yuan.   During the period from October 2003 to June 2004, defendant He Liqiong and Chen Qili illegal sequestration of funds totaling 159 million yuan for himself, to repay gambling debts and investments. From June 2006 to July the defendant He Liqiong with others gap, many times incitement to assault caused serious injuries, two people were slightly injured, and intentional destruction of other people's property worth 5,162 yuan, resulting in damage to property of others.   In April 2009, the Foshan Intermediate People's Court on corruption charges, illegal deposits from the public crime, intentional assault, intentional destruction of property crime of multiple crimes, sentenced He Liqiong death penalty, deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property.   Subsequently, He Liqiong heavy sentence to appeal to the Guangdong High Court on the ground, but did not receive support. Guangdong High Court considered the case facts are clear, there is ample evidence, sentencing appropriate, legal proceedings, and then to maintain the death sentence. Approved by the Chinese Supreme Court ruled that the execution of the death penalty, and signed recently executed command.

 China news agency, Hefei, December 6 (Reporter Cheng Zhanpeng) - Xu at 13:20 on the 5th, Yu'an District of Lu'an City, Anhui serious traffic accident occurred south of the town in the city's the Wanxi performing arts Media Group Company cast and crew CMB ride collided with a pull coal trucks, accidents caused seven deaths and 16 injured. Reporters learned Dramatists Association in Anhui Province in the 6th, the Lu Opera inheritors, Vice-Chairman of the Dramatists Association of Anhui Province Wang Lin is also the tragic death in a car accident. Anhui theater to express deep condolences.
  It is a member of the CPPCC National Committee, the national level screenwriter Hou Lu introduced, in 1970, the 15-year-old Wang Lin exam into the the Wanxi Cottage Theatre Company. In the past 30 years, Wang Lin in more than 70 large and small repertoire featuring protagonist, created a series of successful characters Xia Qiming in as Lu drama "mother", "points champion Xu industry Hao Shaojie in the frosty leaves "and" contract in mind, "Wang Qingming. The success of these performances, brought many honors for Wang Lin. In 2000, he played in the drama "Feng Chi Yao Gang Deng Xiaoping corner of the play is one of the 40 as a 80th anniversary tribute to literary and artistic works Jin Jing performances, the Central Propaganda Department," the five "Award.
  Hou Lu, Wang Lin, the death of Anhui Province lost an outstanding Lu Opera performing artists, the Lu Opera also lost the character of a cantilever beam. Although already retired, he is still Fanpin regiment, led under the rural performances every day for the beloved theatrical arts. The the Wanxi Performing Arts Media Group a number of cast and crew were killed in a car accident, the Anhui Lu theater world, major losses.
  It is understood that, in the morning Wanxi Media Group for the Performing Arts in Huoshan County home miaozhen countryside performances. Return Lu'an noon dinner on the way, they traveled on the bus and pull the coal trucks collided to cause the accident happened. The injured are receiving treatment at three hospitals in the local.

Guangdong Foshan postal savings case of principal be executed to death for corruption 159,000,000

China news agency, Foshan, December 6 (Cheng Jingwei and Huang Zhiqing) - By the Chinese Supreme People's Court approved illegal deposits from the public of 1.3 billion yuan, 159 million yuan of corruption "809 Foshan Postal Savings case" principal offender He Liqiong 6th in Foshan, Guangdong province death penalty.
  The Court found, He Liqiong the original Foshan Chancheng Post large customer service department manager. To repay gambling debts or for personal investment, the period 2003 to 2009, He Liqiong organization conductor Chen Qili to of Foshan Chancheng Lanshi Post Office and Postal Longjiaoshan savings nominal foreign illegal sequestration Chen Moujuan 198 The name of the depositor's deposit totaling 1.325 billion yuan.
  During the period from October 2003 to June 2004, defendant He Liqiong and Chen Qili illegal sequestration of funds totaling 159 million yuan for himself, to repay gambling debts and investments. From June 2006 to July the defendant He Liqiong with others gap, many times incitement to assault caused serious injuries, two people were slightly injured, and intentional destruction of other people's property worth 5,162 yuan, resulting in damage to property of others.
  In April 2009, the Foshan Intermediate People's Court on corruption charges, illegal deposits from the public crime, intentional assault, intentional destruction of property crime of multiple crimes, sentenced He Liqiong death penalty, deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property.
  Subsequently, He Liqiong heavy sentence to appeal to the Guangdong High Court on the ground, but did not receive support. Guangdong High Court considered the case facts are clear, there is ample evidence, sentencing appropriate, legal proceedings, and then to maintain the death sentence. Approved by the Chinese Supreme Court ruled that the execution of the death penalty, and signed recently executed command.

"Snow" solar terms of China's 14 major cities refresh this winter minimum temperature

China news agency, Beijing, December 6 (Reporters Liu Chenyao and Pang Jiajie) - The 6th "snow" in the twenty-four solar terms in China, said China into the middle of winter from now on. Due to the recent cold air frequently invasion in northern China have experienced obvious cool wind, low temperatures than in the eastern part of the same period the year 14 at the provincial level, the provincial capital cities in the 6th day temperature record winter low of , including 10 cities in the minimum temperature below freezing.
  Meteorological monitoring shows that a total of 14 cities in China's major cities of the provincial level, the provincial capital, Harbin, Shenyang, Hohhot, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Nanning daily temperature since most low temperature for the winter. Harbin temperature was only in the 6th -25.9 ℃, Beijing to refresh previous record low temperature of -8.5 ℃. In addition, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Nanjing, Shanghai and other cities in the minimum temperature below 0 ℃.
  Nevertheless, the cold air will not let the matter rest. According to the Central Meteorological Observatory predicted, the next three days, frequent cold air activities of northern China, the temperature will be further reduced. Among them, the northeastern part of the Northwest Territories, Inner Mongolia, northeast region in south-central and northern China, the Huang-Huai, JAC and other places will have 4-6 northerly winds and accompanied by 4-8 ℃ cooling; China in the eastern part of the temperature will continue to low, Inner Mongolia in the east, north, northeast, Huanghuai temperatures would rise to the same period low 4-5 ° C all year round.
  Northern cold air "intrusive" At the same time, China Southern fog also took the opportunity to "wreak havoc". Central Meteorological Station at 18:00 on the 6th fog blue warning: expected Saturday night into the morning of the 7th, Jiangnan, South China most of the southwestern region in eastern and southern mist, southern Sichuan Basin, Chongqing, south-central, northern Guizhou, Hunan , Jiangxi, Zhejiang southwest Fujian northwest ground fog visibility less than 1000 meters in some areas, local visibility less than 200 meters.
  At the same time, the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue an orange alert for strong winds at sea: is expected during the day and evening of the 6th and 7th by Typhoon No. 24 this year, "Bopha" with the combined effect of the cold air south and southeast of the South China Sea and in the eastern waters 7 -10 gale, "Bopha Center after the waters near the wind up to 11-13 level, gusts up to 14, 7-8 winds in the Bashi Channel, the northern part of the South China Sea, central and western waters.


The Indonesian official wife "not a virgin" texting repudiation aroused public indignation

according to the Associated Press reported, Indonesia's West Java province teeth Law County Magistrate the Acheng · Fei Keli married only four days texting repudiation on the grounds that his wife "not a virgin". The matter created quite a stir in the local people protested against this act, and asked him to resign his post.
Reported that in July of this year, Mr Feike Li, 40-year-old second wife to marry than their 23-year-old Oak Torah. Wedding just four days, he the via SMS divorces his wife had had sex before marriage. Feike Li also complained that the wedding cost about $ 26,000 (about 160,000 yuan).
The incident came to light in the local sensational. 3 days, a lot of people gathered to protest before the county government building, another group of residents, the Feike Li's home surrounded. 4 protesters increased to several hundred, they spat in front of the building of the Government Fei Keli photos, trampling, and then burned the photos. The local government has asked the dismissal of the Feike Li's initiative, to wait for the Supreme Court ruling.
As events continue to ferment even Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, also began to focus on the scandal. 4, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is exactly of depending Chaxi Java province, province officials investigate the matter. Fei Keli is a Muslim, but some Muslim texting repudiation of such behavior in Indonesia is "very rare".

Iranian capital holiday again due to air pollution

December 4, the Iranian capital Tehran, foggy, no wind. The same day, the Tehran government announced too serious because of air pollution, in addition to hospitals, banks, government departments, private enterprises, factories and school holidays for two days. However, this is not Tehran for the first time to enjoy the "false air pollution".
Too bad air capital of holidays for two days
Tehran is the historic Commercial Road between rest and the "Silk Road". It is located on the southern end of the northern basin of the Iranian plateau, North, East, West, on three sides by mountains and hills, an area of ​​about 658 square kilometers, with a population of about 8.5 million.
Recently, due to the serious air pollution in Tehran municipal government announced 4 -5 Date, in addition to the normal operation of hospitals, banks, all government departments, private enterprises, factories and schools were closed.
Tehran Daily published a news headline: "due to the serious air pollution, the newspaper ceased publication three days, the next will be published in the 8th. The newspaper also published photos of the city of Tehran in a fog screen.
According to reports, the Tehran authorities the number of ambulances deployed in densely populated areas, to prevent people from sudden onset. The government also reminded local residents to minimize out.
Iranian media said, in addition to Tehran, western Iran, and southwest of the air pollution is more serious, some cities starting from 3 days holiday.
Each of four or five thousand people
Death due to air pollution
Business in Tehran, Mr. Lee told reporters: "indeed serious air pollution in Tehran, the locals continue to complain about the sound in recent days, the sky is gray, some people wear masks."
Tehran, a member of the Clean Air critics say, the people living in that environment is tantamount to "collective suicide".
In fact, Iran's air quality is notoriously bad. Last year, the World Health Organization published the first global air pollution report, Iran has been rated as one of the air pollution is the most serious national, in 91 countries, ranked ninth, and respirable particulate matter an average annual value of 124 micrograms / cubic meter ; Iran's southwestern city of Ahvaz "crowned" world's worst air quality in cities, respirable particulate matter average annual value of up to 372 micrograms / cubic meter, nearly 19 times the of 20 micrograms WHO recommended value. These air particle diameter of particles of 10 microns or less, after being absorbed by the body will cause heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, and the inner respiratory diseases.
Tehran Air Quality Center for Rushdie told the media, due to air pollution, Tehran 4000-5000 people died from the disease annually.
Automobile exhaust is the culprit
Almost every year from October to January of the following year, are the days of increased air pollution in Tehran.
Tehran Hill and curved hills, the air flow is not smooth, haze weather, once formed, it is difficult to dissipate in a short period of time. Especially in the northern mountains blocking the air flow from the Caspian Sea, is not conducive to dispersing pollutants.
In addition, the size of the Tehran city growing, the population is too concentrated, the impact on air quality is also not to be underestimated. It has been reported that in the 1990s, Iran's gradual relaxation of state control and open market economy, the rise in the number of middle-class, they set off a wave of consumer expanding the scale of Tehran. Originally planned to accommodate the three million residents of Tehran, rapid population doubled doubled, coupled with Iran's oil and gas resources in the country, the price is very cheap energy, cars become the new darling of the middle class consumer. Thus, the government was forced to transform public space into all roads highways. While in the case of imperfect tracks and public transport, road increased disguised to stimulate the growth of the road vehicles. According to Iranian media reports, Tehran car ownership to 4,000,000. With the growing number of cars, the pollution problem is also gone up. " Tehran mayor Tamaduoen once said, 80% of Tehran's air pollution from vehicle exhaust emissions. French media said Iran's auto industry is not high level (some trucks over 10 years old), and low emissions standards, many vehicles using poor quality gasoline.
To a heavy rain
Air pollution in Iran, the reason is not the first time a holiday or traffic control measures. In July 2009, dust storms causing poor air quality in most parts of Iran, forcing the government announced holiday. In November 2010, due to the wind weakens, the air pollution in Tehran approaching peak, the government announced that Tehran a day off. Tehran to resolve the issue of air quality, previously came up with a lot of countermeasures.
Iranian parliament passed a special bill, members of the public to make use of cleaner fuels a car, and a new car to replace old cars for large displacement and pollution of the environment. However, from the current situation, these measures or the effect is not, perhaps can only help Tehran is a heavy rain.

Indian officials said the Sino-Indian border issue of consensus For additional consulate in China

come to Beijing to visit the Indian National Security Advisor Menon 4 revealed that India intends to additional consulate in China, from a specific point of view of the city, Chongqing, Chengdu are likely. Menon also refuted the Indian media saying about China and India and the slow progress in border negotiations. He said that this statement is incorrect, speculative and misleading, India on border issues relevant consensus reached on the framework.
According to the Hindustan Times reported, Menon said India may not be able to open a consulate in Lhasa, but many other cities of the Consulate General of India settled in showing interest, I hope to promote trade between China and India move and travel. Reported that first interested in the creation of the Consulate General of India in the Chinese city of Chongqing, it is one of the four municipalities in China. Menon said India was still weighing a variety of possible including Chongqing and Chengdu. He said: "We have no formal request to the consulate in Lhasa, this is still in the stage of study the feasibility ... As to where we like, Chengdu is also possible."
Reported that further site "Chengdu analysis said a number of Indian IT firms have settled in Chengdu, Chengdu from Tibet close in the optional city , the United States also set up consulates in Chengdu. In addition, the Consulate General of India may be located in the Yunnan provincial capital Kunming . At present, India only set up consulates in Shanghai and Guangzhou, China. Menon also said that China is seeking to open more consulate in India.
According to India "OneIndia" News reported, Menon said India and the two sides have reached about consensus discussion of the framework of solving the border issue. "Once you have a framework, we will proceed to draw the border, it would be fair, reasonable and acceptable to both sides, we are in the middle of the second stage. Overall, we have made considerable progress." Menon stressed that India in both boundary problems have hindered the development of the overall bilateral relations. Menon's visit to China, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that both China and India spoke highly of the important progress made in bilateral relations. Both sides agreed that as the two largest developing countries in the world, the two countries are facing important opportunities, also face common challenges. The two countries should further enhance political mutual trust, deepen economic and trade cooperation, promote cultural exchanges.
When asked whether talking about this visit once caused tension between China and India on the passport issue, Menon said, he did not discuss the issue with the Chinese, "I do not think it worthy of discussion in my level . " Menon also cool the Indian Navy chief of staff Josh has claimed that India may send warships to the South China Sea to safeguard India's economic interests remarks. He stressed that the Josh speak misled by the media ", and India fact, feel hard to become one of the naval forces in the South China Sea.

The Korean election held for the first time overseas voting to set up 10 polling sites in China

Department of the history of Korea held its first presidential election overseas voting, polling places set up in 164 countries overseas, set up 10 polling sites in China
Beijing News (Reporter Han Xuyang Gaomei) at 8:00 on the 5th, 18th presidential election in South Korea overseas voting began. It held its first presidential election in the history of Korea overseas voting, established in 164 countries and overseas voting points.
Voters with children to vote
Reporters came to the South Korean Embassy in Beijing, 8:00, Korean voters have gradually came to the embassy to vote. Voters are mostly accompanied it, two hours after voting began, there are already more than 130 voters cast their vote.
Electoral Commission staff reporter, the embassy received more than 9,000 registration, "We estimate that voter turnout will be about 50% a month before the release of the Korean Embassy message to accept the registration of voters in Beijing, South Korea.
The staff said that the former South Korean citizens to vote only in Korea. In order to facilitate overseas voters, South Korea this year to set up overseas voting points, 10 polling sites in China.
Miss Lee, the South Korean voters working in Beijing, said she supports the 2nd candidate text in Yin, "I think he is very powerful, and hope that under his leadership, South Korea will be getting better and better," the scene many voters take the kids to vote, One voter said, "take the child to want him to look at the adults how to exercise their rights, let him have this awareness."
The staff, the overseas voting will last for six days, and ended at 8 o'clock on December 5 to at 17:00 on the 10th. After the voting, the ballot around the world will be sent back to Korea, out of the box after the the Korean local close of polling in the 19th, with the vote count.
The Korean Ambassador confidential who voted for
Around 11:00, Lee Kyu-Hyung, South Korea's ambassador to China, came to the scene. After the vote, the reporter asked Lee Kyu-Hyung who tend to support more, he said with a smile, "It is a secret."
Turning to North Korea launched a satellite it will affect the South Korean presidential election, Ambassador Lee Kyu-Hyung said, hope that North Korea will suspend the satellite launch plan. As expressly provided in the United Nations Security Council, North Korea can not launch a satellite. North Korea insisted on launching satellites is clearly contrary to international law. "This approach will make the Korean more international social isolation. DPRK own to set their own barriers."
In referring to the North and South Korea the trend in the future, Lee Kyu-Hyung said, we are looking forward to the DPRK as early as possible the development of the policy to the economy and people's livelihood as a priority, to give up the idea of ​​developing nuclear weapons at an early date, so that the inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation will be more smooth, so also is 70 million people in the Korean Peninsula bring lasting happiness and peace, and I hope that this situation can be seen in the next year.
4, 2011, in the Korean presidential election TV debate, candidate Park Geun-hye and Wen Yin heated debate on policy toward North Korea. Lee Kyu-Hyung said, tough attitude toward the DPRK to discuss the next president, whether it is too early now. He hopes that the new the Ren Hanguo president can by means of six-party talks and other dialogue to promote peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula.
■ voting process
Identification and receive a the ballot voters 持有效证件 First identified by the staff and fingerprints information, then receive ballots and envelopes. The ballot lists the names of the seven presidential candidates.
Voters came to vote next room to get the ballot papers and envelopes to fill out the ballot and seal, fill out the ballot information in completing the table, after the ballot envelope sealed.
Voting sealed ballot hand dropped into the ballot box by voters overseas Election Committee members on-site supervision of the entire voting process.
Two major candidates heated debate Korean issue
Korean presidential election held in the first televised debate, the ruling party candidate Park Geun-hye and the largest opposition party candidate text in Yin fierce battle on the Korean issue.
The first to open fire at Yin said, "Lee Myung-bak government always emphasize security issues, but full of loopholes, the Cheonan incident and the Yeonpyeong Island shelling. Roh Moo-hyun administration never occurred and the Korean conflict five years, you do how do you think? "
Park Geun-hye, responded by saying, "should distinguish between true and false peace we must first have a strong deterrent, based on a solid defense, when the other party initiated the provocation allowed to pay a huge price, as well as efforts to establish a trust relationship, obtained in this way peace is the real peace, and peace by providing assistance is a false peace. "
This is the day of debate, Park Geun-hye on the text in to Yin the most aggressive rebuttal. Park Geun-hye also said, "Roh Moo-hyun government during 2006, although South Korea North Korea pour donate, but North Korea conducted its first nuclear test, so I think (this) is a false peace."
TV debate is known as one of affecting the outcome of the election card, but people do not buy it. According to the Korea Times reported, the first debate did not have any effect on the election, the political commentator experts said people believe that the two candidates is not in the debate, but each present their own point of view. (Comprehensive new)
An Zhexiu Ting Wen in Yin Park Geun-hye, an emergency
5, 2011, to withdraw from the election of independent candidates An Zhexiu decided, will fully support the text in Yin An Zhexiu this "save text in Yin move this election, only 14 days left in the general election, a new variable.
Analysts said that due the An Zhexiu have a larger influence on young people and personages without party affiliation, may enhance the text in the Yin support rate, thereby affecting the advantages of Park Geun-hye.
Understanding An Zhexiu said, even though they had a disagreement and friction, but An Zhexiu the future will be any possible form of support for the text in the Yin. An Zhexiu the day, accompanied by the text in the Yin went to several universities in Seoul canvassing.
An Zhexiu move, the ruling party that An Zhexiu influence is not large. New National Party Election Strategy Committee is responsible for human rights Swimming Zhen said, regardless of An Zhexiu whether the full support of the text in Yin, this election will not become a major variables. An Zhexiu overly influence the electoral pattern, there are likely to be counterproductive.
As of now, Park Geun-hye still support rate to maintain our edge. In order to maintain this advantage, the ruling party actively adopted various measures, advanced consortium chairman of the Korean Peninsula, Pu Shiyi, the day held a press conference to announce support for Park Geun-hye.

Japanese media portrayed China's "invasion" of the Diaoyu Islands China Liaoning imagined sunk ship

"China war, the Japanese fleet sunk by Chinese aircraft carrier 'Liaoning' No. '" Diaoyu Islands (date known as Senkaku) landing operations the whole picture "and" defeat the Chinese invasion of the program "...... a provocative big title with billowing smoke and the aircraft warships photo intertwined, constitute some Japanese magazine imaginary beat the Chinese "invasion" of the screen.
On December 4, the "Global Times" reporter in the Tokyo bookstore to see the number of the Sino-Japanese military power analysis and comparison of the magazine. Only "Taiwan" magazine published a supplement on the Sino-Japanese War, such as "the defense of Japan and its neighboring countries," Tian Mother Horse hung over China strategy method "," Senkaku the Takeshima defense war . The Sankei Shimbun Group website published the article "Assuming Earthsiege the Diaoyu Islands, China (and Japan known as Senkaku), if the United States entered the war, the one or two weeks will be to eliminate the" other. An endless stream of similar reports in the Japanese media.
"Japanese people affected by the so-called elite speech inciting or" brainwashing "inappropriate views of China, which is very rare before minority right-wing extremists small but energy is not small." Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Japan The Institute scholars Wu arms, "Global Times" reporter said. He believes that the right-wingers previously put relentless, the burst Mengliao taboo, now many explicit statements that are not subject to condemnation. But is no market-friendly remarks, or even attacked. Japan's national mentality is beginning to change.

4 girls Shantou underwear factory fire victims is a 13-year-old sisters smallest

On the morning of December 4, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, the long period of rain the sun finally out of the sky.
"Rain almost a month, everyone's mood is not good, irritability. Rare to see the sun." One the Shantou people told CCTV network reporter.
Shantou people are enjoying the rare sunshine, who also does not know, is of Shantou Chaonan CHENDIAN, near Ryu grudge. Ryu to the factory owners used to work that morning, viciously sent a cell phone text message: "the money you want to give it to me, otherwise, you escape today can not escape tomorrow."
The hateful SMS and did not attract the factory boss Chen attention.
15:30 pm on the same day, Liu finally ignited the gasoline production workshop boss Chen raging fire engulfed the lives of 14 girls, and resulted in one serious injury. The fire broke out, shocked the whole nation.
About 16:30 pm, the fire was completely shattered. That time, the the Shantou sky again float drizzle, the entire CHENDIAN enveloped in a tragic being.
"I play mahjong lose it than this number to most of the
Ryu accountable to the public security department, he was working in this factory about a year, is mainly responsible for the bra die stereotypes work receive piecework wages. Liu believes that count less often when the boss clearing wage to him, still owe the balance of 3000 dollars, a few days before he recover the money from the boss, the boss thinks his false piece, still owe 1000 raw materials, to be deducted 500 yuan.
However, according to the survey of the CCTV network reporter, the contradiction does not stop there.
A lucky escape workers told the CCTV network reporters that the incident occurred more than 10 days ago, Liu had a disagreement with the boss.
According to the workers introduced more than 10 days ago, the factory less over 10 bed do Bra sponge, in accordance with the market price, the value of about 1,000 yuan, "the boss suspected that he secretly sold to another venue handyman to They compensation. "
In this regard, Liu denied.
"He is considered more than 10 bed sponge when flea trading only 100 yuan, the two only points on dozens of blocks, 'I play mahjong lose it than this number to most, and how might care about this little money?!'" .
The Ryu and boss contradictions arising resignation. However, been the boss in arrears of the 3000 wage and can not successfully get our hands on, "because the boss wants to buckle him 500 yuan.
Between a workers say that word of mouth is the, Ryu and boss contradictions generated once approached local government departments to seek solutions. But finally nothing.
If Ryu, as the workers said, the local government to seek to solve. So, which government department is looking for? Finally, why not? Is still a mystery.
However, it is possible to determine the point in the two days before the incident, Ryu has no work in the factory, "we all thought him to resign, and had no idea how Two days later, he will mention the petrol back to the factory. "
Workers recalled escape experience: the fire exits only three computer screens
Ryu, where the factory is located in Chen Zhen new Xixi Village a District village intersection of the two roads form a triangle, and the factory is located in the top of the triangle.
Factory worker, factory floors, not surnamed boss, but leased to the locals.
The factory floor, is a 4-storey small building. The first floor is the cutting workshop, the second floor is the boss room, fourth floor setting workshop and a small warehouse, centralized the number of workers, the production workshop on the third floor.
Production workshop on the third floor is divided into two sub-groups, respectively, to the vehicle in front of the group and after the car group.
The CCTV Network reporter saw fire outside the workshop floor, each floor of buildings are at least two large windows, unfortunately, the windows were fitted with the anti-theft iron fence.
A anonymity workers told reporters that the shop floor to the four, only two, three, respectively, have a means of escape.
However, because the second floor is the boss quarters really able to provide to dozens upstairs staff escape channel, only the third floor of the channel.
However, even if it is on the third floor of a means of escape, but open in the corner of the windows, "is very small, only a maximum of three computer screens so people can only drill past" before workers to disclose to the CCTV network.
The workers also told CCTV network reporters, the time of the incident, it is about 15:30, when everyone in the bow work.
"I heard a big sister shouted, 'bad fire, run', and looked up to see the thick black smoke channeling from the stairs up to the vehicle in front of the group has been smoke surrounded "The person in front of all of sight, only to see the black smoke."
Workers first reaction is to run to the top of the stairs. However, due to too much smoke, the stair can not see. The workers quickly toward the escape routes.
Open the windows, hanging under a rope ladder, the workers won the window out.
"At that time, the legs scared soft, simply have not seen that kind of scene, squeeze everybody whither small channel."
Down by rope ladder, a woman from the height of the second floor of the coma drop, thanks to standing on the first floor of the rescue workers catch the woman about 20 years old, is the only one seriously injured personnel Shantou official announcement After the incident quickly rushed to a local hospital for emergency treatment.
Another reporter has learned, this time successfully escape workers, the largest sector is car group of workers after the workshop, and the vehicle in front of the group of workers most of the deaths, an important reason is that after the car group of workers from the means of escape closer.
"If the windows on the third floor of the fence, if the means of escape hole bigger, the number of deaths should be a lot less."
Workers CCTV network reporter said.
December 5th, around 14:00 pm, workers survived from the local town government to get the balance of wages, as well as the spirit of the compensation fee of 500 yuan, has been dissolved.